Atomic Overdrive was a comic book produced by Toronto writer Dave Darrigo and illustrators Peter Grau and Paul McCusker , and published by Caliber Press in Michigan, U.S.

The Atomic Overdrive stories were a combination of two genres popular through the 1950’s and 1970’s: science fiction and hotrods/car racing. Issue 1 was the work of the Dave Darrigo – Peter Grau team. Dave was the writer. Peter illustrated the stories. The stories: “The Creature that craved my comet” and “One of our zombies is missing” revolved around a Frankenstein type character. In issue 2 Dave and peter did the first and third stories. The first story “They want to warp our minds” involved aliens. The third story: “Hot Rods: Cold War” continued the hot rods and Frankenstein theme of issue 1 and actually occurred before the events in issue 1. Paul McCusker joined Dave to illustrate the second: “Ghost riders ghost town” which was a spoof combining western and science fiction themes. Peter  painted the covers for both issues.

Issue 2 was the last for Atomic Overdrive which appears to have been published in 1997.


PERIODICAL GRAPHIC ANTHOLOGY:                                                                          Published by Caliber Comics. Colour cover. Black & white content.

Content story & Cover front, Illus., Peter Grau:

Atomic Overdrive,1, no date:                                                                                                       “The Creature That Craved My Comet.” Writ., D. Darrigo. Illus. P. Grau:1-16.                   “Hot Rods And Zombies – One Of Our Zombies Is Missing.” Writ., D. Darrigo.                  Illus P. Grau:17-32.

Atomic Overdrive,.2, no date:                                                                                                       “They Want To Warp Our Minds.” Writ., Dave Darrigo. Illus. Peter Grau: 1-13.                 “Ghost Riders For A Ghost Town.” Writ., D. Darrigo. Illus. Paul McCusker: 15-21.             “Hot Rods And Zombies – Hot Rods = Cold War.” Writer, D. Darrigo. Illus. P.                    Grau: 23-32.


C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON A\ATOMIC OVERDRIVE, Atomic Overdrive, 1, 1997, fc.jpgAtomic Overdrive, 1, 1997: Front cover. Illus., Peter Grau.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON A\ATOMIC OVERDRIVE, Atomic Overdrive, 1, 1997, 32.jpgAtomic Overdrive, 1, 1997: “One of Our Zombies Is Missing.” Illus., Peter Grau: 32.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON A\ATOMIC OVERDRIVE, Atomic Overdrive, _0002.jpgAtomic Overdrive, 2, 1997: “Ghost Riders For A Ghost Town”. Illus., Paul McCusker: 15

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON A\ATOMIC OVERDRIVE, Atomic Overdrive, 2, 1997, 23.jpgAtomic Overdrive, 2, 1997: “Hot Rods – Cold War.” (Origin story) Illus., Peter Grau: 23.
