“Melissa and Jeff have a dinosaur bird called an Archeopteryx. He looks like a toy, but Archy is their magic friend. When they hold his wings and both say WHIZ, he can take them anywhere.”                                                                                           Alan & Lea Daniel. Chickadee, 1-1, January 1979: 20.

Thus opens the first cartoon adventure serial in the periodical chickaDee. Created by Alan & Lea Daniel it appeared for at least the first year of the magazine and probably continued till 1983 when Lynda Cooper’s “Daisy Dreamer” first appeared, and likely replaced it.

“Melissa” and “Jeff” with the help of “Archy” travelled in space to the arctic, a baker’s shop, a glacier or even the moon and through time back to the age of the dinosaurs. As with other serials in chickaDee the serial attempted to present information through the means of an adventure.



Content serial:

Chickadee …. Car., Alan & Lea Daniel. Young Naturalist Foundation. Colour.
1-1, Jan. 1979: 20-24.

1-2, Feb. 1979: 16-19.

1-3, Mar. 1979: 6-9.

1-4, Apr. 1979: 14-17.

1-5, May 1979: 8-11.

1-6, Summer 1979: 14-17.

1-7, Sept. 1979: 18-21.

1-8, Oct. 1979: 18-21.

1-9, Nov. 1979: 18-21.

1-10, Dec. 1979: 18-21.


C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON A\ARCHY & THE WHIZZZ KIDS, Chickadee Jan 1979, 20.jpg Chickadee, 1-1, Jan. 1979: 20.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON A\ARCHY & THE WHIZZZ KIDS, Chickadee Jan 1979, 21.jpg Chickadee, 1-1, Jan. 1979: 21.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON A\ARCHY & THE WHIZZZ KIDS, Chickadee Jan 1979, 22.jpg Chickadee, 1-1, Jan. 1979: 22.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON A\ARCHY & THE WHIZZZ KIDS, Chickadee Jan 1979 , 23.jpg Chickadee, 1-1, Jan. 1979: 23.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON A\ARCHY & THE WHIZZZ KIDS, Chickadee Sept 1979, 19.jpg Chickadee, 1-7, Sept. 1979: 19.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON A\ARCHY & THE WHIZZZ KIDS, Chickadee Oct 1979, 19.jpg Chickadee, 1-8, Oct. 1979: 19.

C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON A\ARCHY & THE WHIZZZ KIDS, Chickadee Dec 1979, 21.jpg Chickadee, 1-10, Dec. 1979: 20.