This character and story was created by Margaret Atwood as a result of her involvement in bird conservation and concern about pet cat predation of birds and the mortality free running pet cats. I this project she had the support of the Nature Canada.

With the help of Hope Nicholson, she found a publisher Dark Horse Comics Inc. and Vancouver artist Johnnie Christmas.

Angel Catbird emerged as the result of researcher Stig Feleedus, his cat Ding and an arctic owl, all being hit and killed by a car driven by the murderous Dr. Muriod who wanted to kill Stig and get his hands on the formulae on which Stig was working. Stig was carrying a bottle of the solution created by the formulae and it splashed over all three victims resulting in the synthesis of the three – Angel Catbird. In this new form Stig enters the world of half cat and human beings, a romance with Cate Leon and a life and death battle with Dr. Muriod who it turns out is half rat and half human.


BOOK GRAPHIC:                                                                                                              Published by Dark Horse Books/Dark Horse Comics Inc. Colour cover & content.

Content novel:

Angel Catbird …. Writ., Margaret Atwood. Illus., Johnnie Christmas. Col., Tamra Bonvillain. Let., Nate Piekos of Blambot ….
… v.1, September 2016. … v.2, September 2016. … v. 3, July 2017.


Article book:

Angel Catbird v. 1., Sept. 2016: “Introduction”. Writ., Margaret Atwood: 5-10.

Article periodical:

Maclean’s, 12 Sept. 2016: “Faster, pussycat! Kill! Kill!” Writ., Brian Bethune: 64-66.

Walrus, Sept., 2016: “Rescue Cat; Margaret Atwood reimagines the everyday feline as a comic-book superhero.” Writ., Margaret Atwood. Illus., Johnny Christmas. Col., Tamra Bonvillain: 41-45.

Zoomer Magazine, Oct. 2016: “Atwood Gets Graphic”: 14.

Article newspaper:

Globe &Mail, 22 Jan. 2016: “B.C. comic artist pairs with Margaret Atwood for Angel Catbird series.” Writ., Ian Bailey.


C:\Users\Robert\Documents\CARTOONING ILLUSTRATION ANIMATION\IMAGE CARTOON\IMAGE CARTOON A\ANGEL CATBIRD, Angel Catbird, v3, 2017, fc.jpgAngel Catbird, v.3, 2017: Front cover. Illus., Johnny Christmas.