THE NORTH WING: Selections from the Lost Library of CanLit Graphic Novels
The idea for the project came from Alex Good and editor at the time at Canadian Notes & Queries. He approached Gregory Gallant about it and Gregory took over the job of finding the cartoonists, establishing deadlines etc. Gregory will approach the cartoonist and suggest that they choose a book, story or poem they would like to adapt. Generally the artists have something in mind but if they haven’t Gregory will ask the editor to suggest something.
Gregory himself has provided a few works, an introduction and a short account of the construction and location of a new archive.
Canadian Notes & Queries, 80, Summer/Fall 2010: Introduction “Selections From The North Wing”. Car., Gregory Gallant: 61.
An account of the construction of a new building to house the archive :
Canadian Notes & Queries, 86, Winter 2012: “From The Great Northern Brotherhood of Canadian Cartoonists”. Car., Gregory Gallant: 63.
Works from the archive:
Canadian Notes & Queries, …: “The North Wing: Selections from the Lost Library of CanLit Graphic Novels: Episode … as adapted by …”: ….
080, Summer/Fall 2010: “…One, Marion Engel’s Bear… Joe Ollman”: 62-63.
81, Win./Spr. 2011: “Two, M. Atwood’s, The Handmaiden’s Tale … James Turner”: 36-37.
82, Spring/Summer 2011: “Three, Sheila Watson’s, The Double Hook … Zach Worton”: 70-71.
83, Summer/Fall 2011: “Four, Alice Munroe’s Some Women … Rebecca Kraatz”: 68-69.
84, Winter/Spring 2012: “Five, Robertson Davies’ Fifth Business … John Martz”: 70-71.
85, Spring/Fall 2012: “Six, Norman Levine’s Canada Made Me … Ethan Rilly”: 68-69.
86, Winter 2012: “Seven, Leon Rooke’s ‘Adolpho’s ‘Disappeared and We Haven’t a Clue Where to Find Him’… Aaron Costain”: 78-79.
87, Spring 2013: “Eight, Paul Quarrington’s, Whale Music, as adapted by Michael Deforge”: 60-61.
88, Summer/Fall 2013: “ Nine, Michael Metcalf’s, Going Down Slow … David Collier”: 26-27.
89, Win./Spr. 2014: “Ten, Alistair MacLeod’s, No Great Mischief”… Kate Beaton”: 62-63.
90, Summer 2014: “Eleven, Barbara Gowdy’s, Flesh Of My Flesh … Diana Tamblyn”: 48-49.
91, Fall/Winter 2014: “Twelve, Michael Crummey’s, Galore … Jesse Jacobs”: 42-43.
92, Spring 2015: “Thirteen, Stephen Leacock’s, Sunshine Sketches Of A Little Town … Nick Maandag”: 26-27.
93, Summer 2015: “Fourteen,* Jim Munroe’s, Angry Young Spaceman … Marc Bell”: 70-71.
94, Winter 2016: “Fourteen,* Danny Laferrière’s, A Drifting Year … Michael Cho”: 50-51.
95, Spring 2016: “Fifteen, Charlie and Jesse Huisken Take A Walk In Toronto.” 44-47. Excerpted from a 20 metre long 18 panel work.
96, Summer 2016: “Sixteen, Leonard Cohen’s, The Favourite Game … Jason Kieffer”: 32-33.
97, Fall 2016: “Seventeen Margaret Laurence’s The Stone Angel, as adapted by Diane Obomsawin”: 32- 33.
98, Winter 2017: “Eighteen, Mordecai Richler’s The Apprenticeship Of Duddy Kravitz … Pascal Girard”: 32-33.
099, Spring 2017: “…Nineteen: Dennis Lee’s Alligator Pie …Matt Forsyth”: 32-33.
100, Fall 2017: “… Twenty, Andre Alexis’ Fifteen Dogs, … Patrick Kyle”: 40-41.
101, Winter 2018: “…Twenty-One, Sheila Hetl’s How Should A Person Be? … Dakota McFadzean”: 40- 41.
102, Summer 2018: “… Twenty-Two, Margaret Atwood’s ‘Oryx and Crake’… Jay Stephens.” 32-33.
103, Fall 2018: “…Twenty-Three, Michael Ondaatje’s ‘The Collected Works of Billy The Kid’, …Scott Chantler”: 40-41.
104, Spring 2019: “… Twenty-Four, Marie-Claire Blias’ Mad Shadows’’… Fiona Smyth”: 32-33.
105, Fall 2019: “Twenty-Five: William Gibson’s Pattern Recognition … Ray Fawkes.”: 32-33.
106, Winter 2020: “… Twenty-Six: Al Purdy’s ‘Questions’ … Seth.”: 32-33.
107, Spring/Summer 2020: “… Twenty-Seven: Alice Munroe’s “Runaway”… Meags Fitzgerald: 32-33.
108, Fall 2020: “… Twenty-Eight, Nalo Hopkinson’s’ Brown Girl In The Ring’’… Ho Che Anderson.” 44-45.
*Note there are two “Fourteen’s”.
Canadian Notes & Queries, 80: Intrduction “Selections From The north Wing” Car., Gregory Gallant: 61.
Canadian Notes & Queries, 86, Winter 2012: “From The Great Northern Brotherhood of Canadian Cartoonists”: 63. A new home for the North Wing Project?