“Among his contemporaries he was wise and penetrating in opinion, and always tolerant. Strangely old, and strangely young, too, for his heart was light and full of kindness and wit. T. E. Nichols. These Were The Thirties, December 1949: 102.
Born 7 May 1902 in Hamilton Ontario.
He graduated from the architectural program at McGill University and for a short time worked in Montréal as an architect.
He began doing caricatures for the Canadian Forum a left leaning literary, cultural and political magazine which was also one of Canada’s longest running magazines operating from 1920 to 2000.
He did political cartoons and in 1934, a series of caricatures of prominent Canadians. David Rosen said of his technique: “Glassco utilized a pencil or crayon on pebbled board technique that gave his caricatures a realistic feel bordering on portraiture.”
He returned to Hamilton to draw editorial cartoons for the Hamilton Spectator in the 1930’s.
Considered one of the most promising cartoonists of the period, he died 25 January 1941 while serving with the RCAF.
Content editorial cartoon:
These Were The Thirties. Commentary, T.E. Nichols. Hamilton Spectator, December 1949. A retrospective of Glassco’ s editorial cartoons.
Content feature:
“Wit and Wisdom.” Maclean’s, 15 Mar. 1936: 70.
Article book:
The Hecklers. Writ. & Ed.., Peter Desbarates & Terry Mosher. McClelland & Stewart Ltd., 1979: “Glassco”: 237.
Essay unpublished:
“Drawing The Line: Radical Cartoonists of the Thirties.” Writ., David Rosen. This was a sample chapter written by David Rosen for a proposed book on cartoonists who worked partially or completely for alternative publications.