A member of the Royal Academy of Illustration and Design. He wrote the “Northguard” serial for Chapterhouse Comics.
PERIODICAL GRAPHIC: Published by Chapterhouse Comics.
Content serial:
Northguard. 1, Aug. 2016. “Aurora Dawn Part 1.” Illus., Ron Salas. Col., Irma Kniivila. Let., Ed Brisson.
Northguard. 2, Sept.. 2016. “Aurora Dawn Part 2: Dangerous Encounter.” Illus., pg 1-3, Ron Salas, pg 4-20, Eric Kim. Col., Juanco. Let., Ryan Ferrier.
Northguard. 3, Oct. 2016. “Aurora Dawn Part 3: Eyes Are Watching.” Illus., Eric Kim. Col., Juanco. Let., Ryan Ferrier.